Legal Info

For a visit of our MOOOI-site no entrance of personal data is required. However, we do store access data to our site which data is unrelated to persons. The access data is only used for evaluation purposes in order to improve our products, product range and the information about our products.. We strictly obey by the legal requirements for privacy as determined by Dutch legislation.
If you have chosen to provide us your personal data, be assured that such data is solely used by MOOOI for keeping you informed regarding MOOOI and Moooi-related products, MOOOI events and other related news items or for market- and opinion research. No data provided to us shall be sold to third parties or otherwise used by third parties, unless in relation to products branded ‘MOOOI’.
Without Moooi’s permission no copyright preserved text or pictures may be downloaded, printed on paper or being transferred by any means to a carrier outside the Moooi site. Professional visitors like architects, interior designers, journalists and other independent professionals at the discretion of Moooi may obtain the permission to download pictures or technical details of our products and presentations under the conditions as stipulated before downloading. In order to request for permission professional data must be entered and shall be stored by Moooi. In case professional data coincide with personal data, such data shall solely be evaluated in order to grant download permission and shall solely be used by MOOOI or parties engaged in the commercialization of products under the name MOOOI to keep you informed about products, product range or related products. No data provided to us shall be sold to third parties or otherwise used by third parties, unless in relation to products branded ‘MOOOI’.
At any time you can request Moooi at to be up-dated about the personal data that we have stored. For identification purposes an e-mail address must be used that matches the personal data as stored by Moooi. You can unsubscribe at any moment.
If we have placed links to other internet pages the following applies.
Moooi takes good care in placing (URL) links to other pages or sites. However Moooi does not have any influence on the content of the pages or sites to which the link leads and for that reason does not accept any liability whatsoever regarding the linked pages of sites.