Room Fragrance Earthly Delights


Embrace the enchanting bouquet of Earthly Delights, a luscious room fragrance from Moooi X EveryHuman. This fragrance from the Moooi X EveryHuman scent library captures the essence of fig-tomato leaves and dewy jasmine petals. Earthly Delights Room Fragrance is available in a 200ml glass bottle, lasting for 3 months, and includes a set of reed sticks.

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Room Fragrance Earthly Delights


luscious dewy jasmine petals

Earthly Delights is an enchanting bouquet of luscious foliage- fig, tomato leaves and dewy jasmine petals.

Part of a unique concept

Earhtly Delights is part of the Moooi x EveryHuman experience. Where you can create your own room fragrance that is an essence of your being!


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Room Fragrance Earthly Delights