General Terms & Conditions of Services, Sale & Delivery

These ‘Moooi General Terms and Conditions of Services Sale and Delivery’ (hereafter: “General Conditions”) apply to and form an integral part of all quotations, offers, confirmations and service or sale agreements concluded between Buyer on one hand and one of the following companies of the “Moooi GROUP”:
Moooi B.V. established at Breda (Netherlands); or
Moooi Retail B.V. established at Breda (Netherlands); or
Moooi USA Inc. established at New York, NY, (USA).
All companies have been established under the national laws of their respective country; Moooi USA Inc. under Delaware State law.
Moooi Shanghai Life Extraordinary Co., Ltd. established at Shanghai (China)
Buyer in the General Conditions means: the counterparty of Moooi.
The application of any terms and conditions used by Buyer is expressly excluded.
Quotations / Agreement
Unless otherwise stated, any offer or quotation by Moooi is subject to contract.
An agreement shall take effect once an offer accepted by Buyer has been confirmed by Moooi in writing.
Orders for goods made to order cannot be cancelled nor returned.
Unless agreed otherwise all other orders may be cancelled or changed within 3 (three) working day following the order confirmation by Moooi. Any other change or cancellation of an order is subject to Moooi’s written approval and is subject to conditions by Moooi.
If the price, discounts, or dates of delivery are based on an apparent error, Moooi may correct the mistakes or cancel the order.
All agreements shall at all times be subject to credit approval by Moooi. The aforementioned does not prevent Moooi from requiring at any time security for compliance with Buyer’s financial obligations.
Price and payment
All quoted prices by Moooi B.V. and Moooi Retail B.V. are in euro; all quoted prices by Moooi UK ltd. are in British pounds and all quoted prices by Moooi USA Inc. are in US dollars.
All prices are exclusive VAT and other government duties or taxes, as well as any costs incurred in the context of the agreement, such as administrative, transport and COD charges. These taxes and costs will be added to the sales price and form a part of the agreed invoiced amount due by Buyer.
Price adjustment by Moooi is allowed when the cost for any reason whatsoever prove to be higher for Moooi than the price quoted, or is higher than foreseen by Moooi at the time at which the agreement was reached.
If discount is agreed for the purchase of a certain quantity or range in an order, Moooi is not obliged to apply the discount if fewer or different goods than those agreed are actually ordered.
Unless expressly agreed otherwise, all orders are accepted based on pre-payment.
Any invoice must have been paid on Moooi’s bank account not later than 30 (thirty) calendar days upon invoice date. In case delivery of any order agreed on a pre-payment condition takes place within the aforementioned term, the invoiced amount must be settled at least 5 (five) calendar days prior to the scheduled delivery date. No discount is allowed for early payments.
If the invoiced amount is not paid within the payment term, then the Buyer is in default without any notice being required. In addition to any other rights and remedies Moooi may have under applicable law, interest will accrue on all late payments at the rate of 1% (one percent) per calendar month or part of the month or the applicable statutory rate, whichever is higher.
In the event that collection is necessary all collection costs are payable by Buyer equal to 10% of the principal sum owed with a minimum of 500 euro, in the UK 450 British pounds and in the US 650 US dollars. If the debt collection involves court proceedings, then all legal costs, including legal advice and representation in court and out of court, as well as all execution costs, shall be for the Buyer’s account.
Even if the Buyer is of the opinion that the quality of the delivered goods or services is not in accordance with the agreed goods or services, this does not release him from the obligation to pay.
If fewer goods are delivered, or received in good condition, than invoiced, and Buyer objects in good time, Buyer remains liable for the amount invoiced in respect of the goods received in undamaged condition.
In the event of any default by Buyer in the payment of any amounts or charges due, Moooi has the right to postpone any further deliveries of any goods, without being liable for any losses by Buyer. Such right shall be in addition to, and not in lieu of, any other rights and remedies available under the agreement or at law.
Set-off by Buyer of a claim (or alleged claim) against its debt to Moooi will not be permitted otherwise than with Moooi’s express written consent.
Delivery / Transport cost or damage
Moooi shall always use commercially reasonable efforts to deliver the services or goods within the delivery term. However, unless explicitly agreed otherwise in writing, delivery dates communicated in or acknowledged by Moooi are approximate dates. Moooi shall not be liable or be in breach of its obligations when delivery is made sooner or later than the communicated date.
If the communicated delivery date is exceeded, Buyer is still obliged to take delivery of the goods or services, unless before delivery Buyer has put Moooi in default, allowing Moooi with a reasonable period to execute the agreement, and such term has also expired.
Moooi may postpone any delivery in the case of production problems affecting the quantity of goods or the quality of goods produced. If such delay last longer than 3 (three) calendar months, either party may cancel the order. Moooi is not liable for any losses, including lost profits or savings by Buyer.
Unless explicitly agreed otherwise, any delivery is made under Incoterms 2020 conditions:
Within the EU or EEA: DAP (Delivered At Place = delivery at premises Buyer; duties, taxes are for Buyer’s account);
Within the USA: DDP (Delivered Duty Paid) = delivery at premises Buyer including all duties and taxes);
Within the UK: DDP (Delivered Duty Paid) = delivery at premises Buyer including all duties and taxes);
Other North or South American countries: either FOB Moooi -warehouse Cranbury (NY-USA), or FCA Alphen (NB) the Netherlands;
all other deliveries: FCA Alphen (NB) the Netherlands;
Extra carriage costs may be charged in the event that the order amount remains under a set minimum order amount.
When Buyer fails to take delivery of the goods or services, or fails to provide the information or instructions to enable delivery it is fully liable to Moooi for all damages and losses suffered by Moooi, such as (but not limited to) transportation costs, extra storage, handling and insurance. Regarding (re-)delivery, Moooi may demand prior payment of all aforementioned costs.
Moooi is entitled to partial delivery of the goods or services.
Upon delivery, Buyer shall check the condition of the packaging and, if this has any defects, Buyer shall, in the presence of the carrier, open the packaging and check the goods for damage.
If the goods are damaged Buyer shall refuse delivery of the goods and have the carrier take it back. It shall notify Moooi immediately by e-mail with a picture of the condition in which the goods and packaging have been delivered.
Changes to specifications, complaints and returns
Minor changes can occur in shape or color depending on the material the good is made of or design of the good.
Depending on the materials used for its manufacture, the original goods may change in the course of time, due to environmental influences (UV – light and other for lacquered goods, colors, fabrics and other).
Moooi is constantly searching to improve its goods. Goods delivered may therefore technically differ from goods ordered.
If the goods delivered are not, in the opinion of the Buyer, in accordance with the goods ordered or not all goods have been delivered, Buyer shall immediately notify Moooi by email and in any event not later than the fifth working day following the delivery date. Moooi is not obliged to deal with complaints that have been received beyond this term. Any complaint filed by Buyer must be specified as detailed as possible with a digital photo annexed to the e-mail.
If the complaint, according to Moooi, is justified, then Moooi has the choice:
to replace the defect or missing goods, or
to credit Buyer the purchase price.
Defect goods may only be returned to Moooi at Moooi’s expense after Moooi has given its prior written approval or Moooi requested to return the defect goods. If the goods have not been received within 15 (fifteen) working days, Buyer is supposed to keep the goods and to have withdrawn its complaint.
In case of replacement of defective goods or goods taken back, the extra costs for mounting, dismounting or re-installation, change of technical installations and other costs are fully at Buyer’s charges.
Suspension and termination
Moooi is entitled to suspend in whole or in part performance of its obligations under any agreement or to terminate the agreement if:
Buyer has failed to comply on time, in full or at all with its obligations under previous agreements;
if having entered into the agreement, Moooi has good reasons to fear that Buyer will not (be able to) comply with its financial obligations;
Buyer failed to supply the requested security or any adequate security.
If, due to delay on the part of Buyer Moooi cannot reasonably be expected to comply with the agreement upon the terms originally agreed, then Moooi is entitled to cancel the agreement with immediate effect. Buyer shall be liable towards Moooi for any and all costs or damages, or loss in profits suffered by Moooi.
Moooi is entitled to terminate the agreement if circumstances arise whose nature and extent means that Moooi cannot be expected according to the principles of reasonableness and fairness to perform the original agreement.
For most products, product specifications can be downloaded from the internet site
Moooi grants a standard warranty of five (5) years from the date of purchase (invoice date) of a Moooi product to the first corporate end user of the Moooi product (B2B end user). The automatic five (5) year warranty applies only to the corporate end-user of the product. Intermediary parties that purchase Moooi products on behalf of their clients can therefore only claim warranty on behalf of the corporate end user and not on their own behalf.
Moooi grants a standard warranty of one (1) year from the date of purchase (invoice date) of a Moooi product to the first end consumer owner of the Moooi product. The consumer is entitled to an extended warranty of five (5) years when he/she registers the new Moooi product via the Button within 30 days after invoice date. This extended warranty only applies to products that come with The Button, being our lighting and furniture designs.
Warranty claims must be submitted within two (2) months of the revealing of the defect.
Ordinary wear and tear, for example on upholstery, as well as wear and tear/defects caused by incorrect care, outdoor usage if the product is not intended to be used outdoors, or inappropriate or abnormal use of the product, is excluded from the warranty.
Furthermore, the warranty is only applicable when the items are installed correctly according to the installation manual which is enclosed in the box of the product.
The warranty is considered void if the alleged defect is found to have occurred as a result of environmental or testing circumstances, misuse, use other than normal use in respect to the specific good, neglect, improper installation, accident, improper storage, or repairs or modifications made without the prior written express consent of Moooi.
Subject to the exclusions and limitations as set forth in this article as well as in Section 8, the foregoing states the entire liability of Moooi in connection with defective or non-conforming goods.
Limitation of liability
Without prejudice to any mandatory legal rules, the following applies.
Regarding goods delivered by Moooi:
Moooi shall not be liable for any lost profits or savings, loss of reputation or goodwill, indirect or incidental or consequential damages arising out or in connection with the sale of the good(s) or the use of these whether or not any claim is based on tort, warranty, contract or any other legal possibility, even in the circumstances that Moooi has been advised of any risks.
Moooi’s aggregate and cumulative liability shall not exceed an amount equal to 50% of the purchase value aggregate and cumulative.
Regarding services rendered by Moooi:
Moooi declines any liability for damages as a result of the use of services rendered by Moooi.
Moooi’s liability shall at all times be limited to the maximum amount covered by Moooi’s insurance for the type of damages.
Force majeure
In the event of force majeure, the obligations of either party are suspended until the situation of force majeure has ended. If the force majeure lasts longer than 3 (three) calendar months, then either party is entitled to terminate the agreement without any liability to compensate the other party.
‘Force majeure’ includes, in addition to the definition by law, import and export bans or controls by, or due to, any government or power, the failure of suppliers or service providers of Moooi to deliver on time or at all, suspension of work by, or a high amount of sick leave amongst, the employees of Moooi or its suppliers.
Moooi is also entitled to rely on force majeure if the situation of force majeure begins after Moooi should have fulfilled its obligations.
Insofar as at the time the situation of force majeure commences Moooi has partly fulfilled its obligations under the agreement or is still able to do so, then Moooi is entitled to invoice for all the parts of the agreement it has complied with or will comply with. In such a case Buyer is obliged to pay as if it were a separate agreement.
Retention of title
All goods delivered remain the property of Moooi until Buyer has fulfilled its obligations to Moooi in full. If any invoice remains unpaid, Moooi’s retention of title shall also cover all goods previously delivered which have been paid for by Buyer.
Goods that are subject to retention of title may only be sold in the context of normal business practice and may not be pledged or otherwise encumber the goods subject to retention of title.
If any attachment is levied by a third party upon the goods subject to retention of title, then Buyer shall inform the third party levying the attachment of the retention of title and notify Moooi of this immediately.
Buyer undertakes to keep insured the goods subject to the retention of title against fire, explosion, or water damage, as well as against theft. On demand by Moooi, Buyer shall provide copy of the insurance policy, as well as ensure that the rights under the insurance policy overing the goods subject to the retention of title shall be transferred to Moooi or that Moooi is subrogated in these rights.
If Buyer fails to fulfil its obligations or if there is valid reason to fear that it will do so, Moooi will have the right to take back goods delivered to which the retention of title referred to in this paragraph applies (or to arrange for them to be taken back) from Buyer or from third parties that hold the goods on behalf of Buyer. Buyer will be required to fully cooperate on pain of a penalty of 10% per day of the amount payable by it. Moooi will have the right either to retain such goods until the purchase price, including interest, costs and damages, has been paid in full, or to sell the goods to third parties, in which case the net proceeds will be deducted from the total amount payable by Buyer.
Intellectual property rights and copyrights
Moooi retains the rights and powers it accrues on the basis of the Copyright Act and other intellectual and industrial legislation and regulations relating to all the goods or services it supplies, insofar as these rights do not belong to any third party.
Buyer may not have goods supplied by Moooi copied elsewhere, or manufacture imitations thereof that differ in only minor details from the goods supplied, or become directly or indirectly involved in this.
Copyright or any other intellectual property right on sketches, designs or models in whatever phase of elaboration these are and have been delivered to or shown to Buyer, remain the full property of Moooi and may not be used otherwise than agreed in writing and solely for that specific purpose. Any permitted use does not mean that intellectual property rights have been transferred.
Without a prior written permission by Moooi, Buyer is not allowed to copy pictures, designs, brochures, DVD’s and other material or to use the information on its internet site. Permission by Moooi does not affect the rights of the author of the information provided.
Applicable law / disputes
All agreements are subject to the law of the Netherlands. The court with exclusive jurisdiction is that covering the area where Moooi B.V. has its registered office at the time a dispute arises. This also applies if the goods have been delivered in part or entirely abroad or if Buyer has its registered office or is domiciled abroad, unless mandatory law provides otherwise.
The parties shall always endeavor to resolve a dispute amicably, before any application is made by either party to the court.
The terms of the United Nations convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods (the Vienna Sales Convention) shall not apply.
Final terms
In the event that these general terms and conditions are available in a language other than Dutch, and there is any dispute as to interpretation or explanation, the Dutch text of these general terms and conditions shall prevail.
The version that is binding is the latest version published on at the time the agreement is entered into.
If any provisions in these general terms and conditions are void or revoked by the courts, the remaining provisions remain in force. Moooi and Buyer shall negotiate substitute provisions that are in line with the original provisions in terms of purpose and scope.
Breda. September 2021